It is not an information addiction, it i… 

It is not an information addiction, it is an input addiction. The more input one has, the more input one needs. The industrial society made food simple to procure, and the information society has made entertainment simple.

Periods of silence. Of inaction. Of imperfection. These have become less tolerable. There an increasing desire for the “perfect experience”. One planned out for its perfection beforehand. Example – the idea of finding the “perfect place to eat” through external community recommenders such as Yelp. Trying to find the best restaurant before setting out. Not letting experience have a chance. Not talking to those around them who share similar interests, but looking for quantitate ratings online.

Information to future predict an experience. Always looking forward. Planning, planning, planning. Using community data to ensure planning. Using the path others have already taken, and the clues they have left behind.

This sounds familiar. The mobile phones are the cells that make up a vast hive of bees. Each site is is a flower that is found in the field, and each rating is how much pollen the flower has. Everyone has become a worker bee who voluntarily rates their experience and leaves a trail for others to follow. We are all these creatures now.